A comprehensive analysis of the site's realistic planning policy compliant development potential. Presenting an assessment of the unique site constraints and opportunities. Guidance then given towards a sensible unit type mix, affordable housing contributions, and density level. Finally - advising upon anticipated timescales for a successful planning consent.
With this policy compliant development scheme assumed, a detailed land valuation will then be undertaken to advise upon the site's likely valuation price, with a planning consent.
The proposed development will be fully priced in terms of market-researched construction costs and comparable new build property values in the local area. Finally, cash-flowing all financial inputs accurately from the point of exchange through the last property sale.
After establishing the guided market price for the site, discreet and confidential introductions will be made to exclusively shortlisted developers, best suited to the particular site in terms of its type, scale and market price point etc.
Fully ensuring that the trusted companies approached have been carefully vetted for their financial security and technical competency. With a clear and proven recent track record of projects, showcasing an ability to succeed in the challenging planning process.